Monday, August 6, 2007

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President,

Hello! I'm Mackenzie, I'm 9 years old and I'm going to be in the 4th grade, my birthday is January 20th. Ok time to get to bissnus, have you heard about the Meatrix? The computer address is on the bottom of the letter. The cows only make milk when they get a baby. So they give them medicen to make them make milk all the time! And when they get babys they take them away from there parents and feed them with mashens. And they lock the cows in teny wini cages and the only thing that can move is its tail! And they get really sick without fresh air and exersice. And the factory work is very dandrus and they don't get paid a lot. The worst thing is that cow poop gets stuck on the meat!

Your most worthy citizin,

Mackenzie M.


Niki said...

Perfect:) I cannot tell you how many times I have just about the same( well, sorta,lol) conversation with "people". If you ask my kids why they dont drink cow milk, they always answer, duh... I am NOT a cow baby. It is actually very comical to hear them,hahahha.They almost seem surprised that anyone would even consider drinking cow milk. Mackenzie is a smart little cookie:)

kristin said...

bless you, smart one!

i have my own 9 year old here...